~A Patriotic Dining Room~

Posted by Unknown
Our dining room is one of those places we rarely eat.  It ends up being the place I can create seasonal table vignettes.  This summer, I decided to create a patriotic themed dining table. {excuse the dog's crate....should have moved it out before my little photo shoot :)}

While browsing in IKEA recently, I noticed a really fun table centerpiece idea where stacks of books with the covers torn off were bundled together and strewn across the middle of the table with candles in silver candlesticks sitting all throughout.  My original plan was to recreate that exact look.  So off to Goodwill I went in hopes of finding some great hardback books.  The "color of the week" was green, so I looked specifically for green sticker books to get the half off deal.  I was also looking for books with not-so-perfectly white pages....moldy, yellowed, uneven pages....bring it on! My plan was to wrap these with some fun burlap-y red and blue ribbon and twine.  Then my friend D'Ann suggested that I mix my no-cover books in with some red and blue spine books to get more of a patriotic feel. I was pleasantly surprised to find when I removed all the book jackets that many of the books I purchased had either red or blue covers/spines!  So, $13 later.... this is what I ended up with....

Keeping it real.....pardon the dust! :o)

And so I had to change up the dishes too!

Linking up to some great parties!

~Summer Blessings to All~


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